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    Celtics: amulets from the north of Europe

    The people of northern Europe (Nordic) are known above all for their great rapport and sensitivity with nature and the environment in which they lived. The Celts and more specifically the Druid religion or beliefs were based on the worship of trees and the syncretism of the gods with atmospheric phenomena. From these people we have inherited great wisdom regarding magical plants, potions and home remedies, but also a great variety of amulets, most of them based on geometry. With these geometries they decorated their clothing, swords, shields, etc…

    From the Celtics and Vikings, the most interesting legacy are the Runes and some characteristic amulets. Next we will see a series of Celtic amulets drawn as symbols.

    Celtics drawings and symbols as amulets


    Celtics: amulets from the north of Europe

    The symbol indicates the perfect harmony of two parts. It represents the balance that we must maintain in our personal relationships. It helps us work with our self-esteem and with the love that we should profess to ourselves. Which will lead us to have fair relationships where we do not give too much, forgetting about ourselves or adopt selfish and superior positions in relation to others.

    This amulet can be worn over the heart, to heal pain and resentment and make room for love. It can be placed in the place that allows it to be the first thing we see when we wake up. To give vitality to your ability to love, it is recommended that you always use your runic amulet to do the following activities: Play with a child or a pet, visit a beautiful garden, walk by the sea, laugh at a comedy movie,…


    Its shape reminds us of a container that is constantly filled and blessed by abundance and that in turn has three supports so that what we receive is distributed wisely and does not make us lose stability. Runic amulets always show balance and remind us of the constant flow of giving and receiving to ourselves and the community. It reminds us that we must share what we receive and there will always be more. If it is hoarded there is no room for more. 

    This amulet erases programming that prevents being one with abundance. Eliminate guilt for feeling prosperous. And it reintegrates the concept that a gift requires another gift, and that one must always be compensated for what is received. This concept will seek comprehensive abundance, because material wealth without the capacity for joy results in partial abundance. In your visualization works, see how this container fills with gold and reaches the three levels of its supports that represent the physical, mental and spiritual areas of the individual.


    It is the cosmic shield that protects us from the adverse forces of the earth and the universe but also from ourselves, from the hidden enemy that we carry within us and that constantly sabotages us in what we undertake. Taking responsibility for our own lives is our challenge.

    Detecting those behaviors that prevent us from growing and neutralizing them is our mission. It can be used on the front door looking outside, in the car, in your wallet,…


    Health is harmony, so this rune should be used both preventively and correctively, to unlock spiritual disharmony since it is the gateway to illness, which descends into the mental and emotional fields until it manifests in the body. physical.

    Good health is our responsibility. We must generate healthy habits to have a healthy life and this is at all levels. Taking care of food should not only be physical, we must take care of our thoughts and feelings, as well as our behavior. 

    Always seek harmony with nature and with all the inhabitants of the universe. It can be used in your purse or under your pillow. Always generate the following affirmations when using it: -I live on the plane of cosmic consciousness; Mother Earth is my great mother and she nourishes me. -I am one with all life and with God; I live in the awareness that we are one people, one planet.

    Positive energy

    Transform negative energy into positive. In addition to constantly generating positive energy. Enhances the properties of any product, whether of animal, vegetable or mineral origin.

    The four phases of the moon are represented on it. To remove negative energy, place the desired object on the rune. For example quartz, medicines, beauty treatments and food among others.

    Place it in spaces with terrestrial, cosmic or human aggression. Used in conjunction with the other runes, it enhances them.

    High topsIt is the representation of high ideals. The place we want to reach on all levels and that changes according to our achievements in our personal journey. 

    It is symbolized by a mountain, at the top of which is a very wise human being, knowing all the answers.

    Luminous experience

    It is the light linked to faith that shows us the uncertain path that life means. Promotes new knowledge and mental clarity. Enlightenment is a personal experience that unites us with God and allows us to understand that we are not alone, that we are part of the universe and at the same time we are the universe.

    The shape of this rune on the one hand is a vertical line that reminds us of the maximum contraction, making contact with the being, so that from this act we can obtain illumination, the response that makes us settle into joy and move forward.

    This step is represented by the rune with the smallest diagonal and vertical lines. The light of knowledge is in us. We have all the answers. Listening to our inner being. Listening to our heart.


    It is the ancient symbol of the polar star, which before the invention of compasses was used by travelers to avoid losing their way on their journeys and which the Celts bequeathed to us as a reminder not to lose direction on the most important journey, the of our life or in living our life. Giving direction or direction to our lives is a challenge, we constantly confuse what is urgent with what is important. We run even though we don’t know why or where we are going.

    We always keep ourselves busy to justify doing something, even if that behavior makes us unproductive, because by not gratifying ourselves we are not having additional energy. And we pretend to be perfect which leads us to intolerance. Responding to these driving mandates is very common, we are culturally conditioned to do so and with it we lose our way.


    Its shape symbolizes the human being in the center represented by the vertical line. The diagonal lines are the injectors that will drive him in the development of his profession.

    Its shape symbolizes sprouts, so it tells us about growth and development.

    The profession is the productive activity that we carry out for the development of society, the family and ourselves. So we must make it flow in harmony with all the members of these groups, creating firm bonds based on trust, love and respect, which are the basis for a better world.


    If we look at its strokes, they are expansive and its shapes are rounded, making it a feminine, intuitive and nourishing symbol. In essence it means seeing clearly, eliminating a partial point of view that involves judgments. Working with her allows us to see life without judgment, installed in love, respect and acceptance.

    It gives us the flexibility to flow and grow. It allows us to expand our creativity and our dreams since there will be no judgments that limit our desires. It helps us realize that we are not absolute possessors of the truth and that all truths or points of view form the absolute truth, so we are all important. This rune also allows us to integrate all the worlds, the different realities and planes. It takes us out of the problem to find the solution.

    Protection fantasies

    Imagination is fundamental for man. Since it is the beginning of any work, but living in fantasy prevents us from realizing it. With this rune, nightmares and unrealizable dreams are eliminated and what we imagine is achieved.

    The rune that centers us, allowing creativity to manifest.

    If we observe it, like all runes it is a balanced figure, in this case it shows a human figure that enhances the balance of thought, indicated by the horizontal line at head height. Emotional balance, indicated by the line at the level of the heart and the balance of actions, indicated by the line at the level of the feet.

    Actions, thoughts and emotions in harmony protect us from evading reality and from taking responsibility for our personal growth, which involves risks, failures and victories.


    It is the transformer of souls. The use of it leads us to recognize our presence within the universe, our creative and transforming capacity of ourselves and our environment thanks to will. Using the magician we will understand the meaning of the things that happen to us, which will lead us to learn the lessons and transform karma into Dharma.

    He places us in understanding that the battle is personal and that life is now and that we must stop delegating our happiness or unhappiness to others.

    If you like this article, I recommend you see «Essential Amulets for Love«
