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    Here you can learn all about Afro-Americans Amulets, I hope you like it.

    African American amulets are those that originally come from Africa but due to slavery were imported to “the Americas.”

    In Africa there are many peoples with cultures and religions that are more or less similar to each other.

    Afro-Americans Amulets


    Afro-Americans Amulets

    During the time of slavery thousands of Africans were forcibly taken to America and with them they took their culture and religion and customs. Later, when the missionaries tried to impose Christianity among the slave population, they “similarized” the African entities (Orishas) to Catholic saints, giving rise to Santeria. The amulets and talismans are prepared by the Santeros and Babalaos specifically for each person, so more information cannot be given here.


    In Brazil, the variation of the Yoruba religion gave rise to Candomblé, Umbanda and Kimbanda and the Orichas or Orishas were renamed Orixas due to the influence of the Portuguese language. As in Santería, in Candomblés it is the Pae or Mae de Santo who prepares the amulets specifically for each person as advised by the Orixas, therefore we cannot give more details.

    So among all the Afro-American religions, we have Yoruba Santería, Candomblé, Umbanda, Palo Mayombe, Cauldron of the Dead, Voodoo, etc…. And evidently their practices, rites and offerings intermingle with each other and their margins become blurred, especially depending on where in America they have been developing; For example, the names, offerings and days of some entities will vary if we are in Brazil, Costa Rica, Peru, Venezuela, etc…

    Afro-Americans Amulets: Voodoo

    Of all the African religious traditions, the best known is undoubtedly Voodoo. Voodoo raises fears and suspicions in the majority of Westerners who only know its “bad” or “negative” part, enhanced by cinema and legends.

    However, voodoo comes from the word “vodom” which means god, and voodoo magic is usually used to contact the deceased and spirits that surround us on other planes, and thus be able to ask them for advice and help. Voodoo is currently practiced mainly in Haiti and the amulets are individual for each person so we cannot give examples here.

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