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    How to properly cleanse and charge your amulets for maximum effectiveness

    Cleansing and charging your amulets is an important practice to maintain their effectiveness. Here are some steps you can follow::


    1. Cleansing: To cleanse your amulets, you can use different methods such as:

    How to properly cleanse and charge your amulets for maximum effectiveness

       – Smudging with sage or palo santo: Light a bundle of sage or palo santo and pass the amulet through the smoke to cleanse its energy.

       – Submerging in salt water: Fill a bowl with water and add a few tablespoons of salt. Submerge the amulet in the water for a few hours to cleanse it.

       – Burying in the earth: Bury the amulet in the earth for a day or two to absorb the earth’s energy and cleanse any negative energy from the amulet.


    2. Charging: Once you have cleansed your amulet, you can charge it with your intention or energy. Some ways to charge your amulet include:

       – Moonlight: Place the amulet under the light of the full moon to charge it with lunar energy. Leave it out overnight to absorb the moon’s energy.

       – Sunlight: You can also charge your amulet with solar energy by placing it in direct sunlight for a few hours.

       – Reiki: If you are a Reiki practitioner, you can also use Reiki energy to charge your amulet by holding it in your hands and channeling Reiki energy into it.

    By regularly cleansing and charging your amulets, you can maintain their effectiveness and ensure that they continue to work for you. Remember to set your intention when charging your amulets and trust in the power of the universe to support and protect you.

    Here you can find specific amulets depending on the purpouse:

    Amulets for Love

    Amulets for Money

    Amulets for Employment

    Amulets for Health

    Amulets for soccer(football)
